Aktuelle Verkaufspreislisten der Industrie
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Bitte beachten: Änderungen und Irrtümer vorbehalten (Stand: 23.04.2024)

- Arte
Arte Technics | Arte
Essentials Costura | Arte
Essentials Les Nuances | Arte
Essentials Les Tricots | Arte
Essentials L’Invité | Arte
Essentials Modulaire | Arte
Essentials Palette | Arte
Essentials Travellers | Arte
Flamant Caractère | Arte
Flamant Les Mémoires | Arte
Flamant Les Minéraux | Arte
Flamant Les Rayures – Stripes | Arte
Flamant Les Unis – Linens | Arte
Flamant Suite I – Les Unis | Arte
Flamant Suite II – Les Rayures | Arte
Flamant Suite III – Velvet | Arte
Flamant Suite V – Mystic Impressions | Arte
Flamant The Wallpaper Collection | Arte

- NLXL by Arte
Archives Wallpaper by Studio Job (2022) | NLXL by Arte
Biblioteca Wallpaper by Ekaterina Panikanova (2022) | NLXL by Arte
Brooklyn Tins by Merci (2022) | NLXL by Arte
Concrete Wallpaper by Piet Boon (2022) | NLXL by Arte
Double Face Addiction Wallpaper by Paola Navone | NLXL by Arte
Lab (2022) | NLXL by Arte
Materials Wallpaper by Piet Hein Eek | NLXL by Arte
Monochrome by NLXL | NLXL by Arte
Remixed. Wallpaper by Arthur Slenk | NLXL by Arte
Scrapwood Wallpaper 2 by Piet Hein Eek | NLXL by Arte
Scrapwood Wallpaper by Piet Hein Eek | NLXL by Arte
Timber Strips Wallpaper by Piet Hein Eek | NLXL by Arte

- AS Création
Absolutely Chic (LFZ 2024) | AS Création
Alpha (LFZ offen) | AS Création
Antigua (LFZ 2025) | AS Création
Arcade (LFZ 2029) | AS Création
Art of Eden (LFZ offen) | AS Création
ARTist (LFZ 2026) | AS Création
Artist Livingwalls (LFZ 2026) | AS Création
Atelier 47 (LFZ 2025) | AS Création
Attractive 2 (LFZ 2025) | AS Création
Beton Concrete & More Vol. 2 (LFZ offen) | AS Création
Black is beautiful (LFZ 2024) | AS Création
Castello (LFZ offen) | AS Création
Casual Living (LFZ 2026) | AS Création
Colours the Wall (LFZ offen) | AS Création
Colourful World Haenger (LFZ 2024) | AS Création
Cuba (LFZ 2024) | AS Création
D’eco (LFZ 2025) | AS Création
Desert Lodge (LFZ 2024) | AS Création
Designwalls (LFZ 2025) | AS Création
Designwalls 2 (LFZ 2026) | AS Création
Di Seta (LFZ offen) | AS Création
Digital I (LFZ offen) | AS Création
Digital II (LFZ offen) | AS Création
Digital III (LFZ offen) | AS Création
Digital IV (LFZ offen) | AS Création
Drawn into Nature (LFZ 2027) | AS Création
Dream Flowery (LFZ 2026) | AS Création
Elements (LFZ 2024) | AS Création
Elements II (LFZ 2027) | AS Création
Famous Garden (LFZ 2026) | AS Création
Finest (LFZ 2025) | AS Création
Floral Impression (LFZ offen) | AS Création
Geo-Effect (LFZ 2024) | AS Création
History Of Art (LFZ 2024) | AS Création
House of Turnowsky (LFZ 2025) | AS Création
Hygge (LFZ 2024) | AS Création
Individual (LFZ offen) | AS Création
Jade (LFZ 2026) | AS Création
Jungle Chic (LFZ offen) | AS Création
Karl Lagerfeld (LFZ 2024) | AS Création
Little Love (LFZ 2026) | AS Création
Longlife Colours (LFZ offen) | AS Création
Luxury Wallpaper (LFZ offen) | AS Création
Maison Charme (LFZ 2026) | AS Création
Mata Hari (LFZ 2024) | AS Création
Meistervlies (LFZ 2026) | AS Création
Metallic Silk (LFZ offen) | AS Création
Metropolitan Stories (LFZ 2025) | AS Création
Metropolitan Stories II (LFZ 2025) | AS Création
Metropolitan Stories III (LFZ 2026) | AS Création
Metropolitan The Wall (LFZ 2026) | AS Création
Metropolitan The Wall 2 (LFZ 2026) | AS Création
Michalsky Change Is Good (LFZ 2024) | AS Création
My Home My Spa (LFZ 2024) | AS Création
Nara (LFZ 2025) | AS Création
Natural Living (LFZ 2025) | AS Création
New Walls (LFZ 2025) | AS Création
Nobile (LFZ offen) | AS Création
Only Borders 11 (LFZ 2024) | AS Création
Panel (LFZ offen) | AS Création
Pint Walls (LFZ 2024) | AS Création
Pure Elegance (LFZ 2027) | AS Création
Retro Chic (LFZ 2026) | AS Création
Shades Of White (LFZ 2024) | AS Création
Smart Surfaces (LFZ 2026) | AS Création
Stories Of Life (LFZ 2027) | AS Création
Terra (LFZ 2025) | AS Création
Tessuto (LFZ offen) | AS Création
Tessuto 2 (LFZ offen) | AS Création
The BOS (LFZ 2025) | AS Création
The Wall 2 (LFZ 2026) | AS Création
Titanium 3 (LFZ 2024) | AS Création
Trendwall 2 (LFZ 2024) | AS Création
Versace 3 (LFZ 2024) | AS Création
Versace 4 (LFZ 2025) | AS Création
Versace 5 (LFZ 2025) | AS Création
Villa (LFZ 2024) | AS Création
Wallfashion (LFZ offen) | AS Création
Walls by Patel (LFZ 2025) | AS Création
Walls by Patel 2 (LFZ 2026) | AS Création
Walls by Patel 3 (LFZ 2029) | AS Création

- Erismann
4 Earth | Erismann
Art Edition by Guido Maria Kretschmer | Erismann
Batihouse (2024) | Erismann
Casual Chic | Erismann
Charisma | Erismann
Code Nature | Erismann
Collage | Erismann
Elle 3 | Erismann
Elle Decoration 2 | Erismann
Elle Decoration 3 | Erismann
Evolution | Erismann
Focus | Erismann
Guido Maria Kretschmer Fashion for Walls 3 | Erismann
Guido Maria Kretschmer Fashion for Walls 4 | Erismann
Guido Maria Kretschmer Fashion for Walls Panels & Circles | Erismann
Martinique | Erismann
Play of light | Erismann
RollOver. (2024) | Erismann
Versailles| Erismann
Zooom | Erismann

- Grandeco
Alchemy | Grandeco
Arcadia | Grandeco
Asperia | Grandeco
Atmosphere| Grandeco
Attitude| Grandeco
Belize | Grandeco
Ciara | Grandeco
Cumaru | Grandeco
Eleganzia | Grandeco
Elementum | Grandeco
Icon | Grandeco
Jack ´n Rose (2024) | Grandeco
Jungle Fever | Grandeco
Level Two | Grandeco
Maison | Grandeco
Muse | Grandeco
Nomad | Grandeco
Omura | Grandeco
OROM | Grandeco
Perfect Harmony| Grandeco
Phoenix | Grandeco
Plains + Murals | Grandeco
Tempo | Grandeco
UNISONO III | Grandeco
Wanderlust | Grandeco
Young Edition | Grandeco

- Komar
Heritage | Komar
Infinity | Komar
Infinity Vol. 2 | Komar
Ink | Komar
Into Adventure | Komar
Into Wonderland | Komar
Imagine Edition 3 | Komar
Imagine Edition 4 Home | Komar
Imagine Edition 5 Colours | Komar
k’moor | Komar
Le Jardin | Komar
Munich Design Book | Komar
Pure | Komar
Pure Boutique 2 | Komar
RAW | Komar
Stefan Hefele Photography ED1 | Komar
Stefan Hefele Photography ED2 | Komar

- Marburg
Air | Marburg
Art Deco | Marburg
Avalon | Marburg
Blossom PIN | Marburg
Bombay Vol. II | Marburg
Boston PIN | Marburg
Botanica | Marburg
Brique 2.0 | Marburg
Brooklyn PIN | Marburg
Brussel | Marburg
Brussel | Marburg
Casa Blanca | Marburg
Casual | Marburg
Charleston PIN |Marburg
Charisma (Wilts) | Marburg
City Glam | Marburg
City Glow | Marburg
Colani Visions | Marburg
Coloretto (2024) | Marburg
Crush Art | Marburg
Crush Motion | Marburg
Crush Motion 34 x 45 | Marburg
Dakar | Marburg
Domotex | Marburg
Dune | Marburg
Earth | Marburg
Energy | Marburg
Firenze | Marburg
Fleur Royale | Marburg
Flora | Marburg
Glööckler Imperial | Marburg
Glööckler Imperial PIN | Marburg
Habitat | Marburg
Home Classic Belvedere | Marburg
Horus | Marburg
Horus Vol. II | Marburg
Illumina PIN | Marburg
Imagine | Marburg
Impression | Marburg
Intention 50 x 45 | Marburg
Jubikarte | Marburg
Kids Walls | Marburg
Küche Diele Bad (2023) | Marburg
Küche Diele Bad (2023) PIN | Marburg
Living | Marburg
Loft | Marburg
Loft Superior | Marburg
Magnifica PIN | Marburg
Mainau | Marburg
Mainzelmänchen | Marburg
Memento Felix Diener | Marburg
Miami | Marburg
Mineral 2.0 | Marburg
Mix & Match (2024) | Marburg
Modernista | Marburg
Montreal | Marburg
Museo | Marburg
Nabucco | Marburg
Natural Opulence Felix Diener 50 x 45 | Marburg
Natural Opulence Felix Diener 34 x 45 | Marburg
Natural Vibes | Marburg
Nomade | Marburg
Novamur Giulia | Marburg
Novamur Hailey | Marburg
Novamur Ivy | Marburg
Novamur Jackie | Marburg
Opulence Classic | Marburg
Papis Loveday | Marburg
Papis Loveday PIN | Marburg
Patent Decor | Marburg
Sand & Stones | Marburg
Sao Paulo PIN | Marburg
Sao Paulo PIN | Marburg
Schöner Wohnen Kollektion | Marburg
Schöner Wohnen Kollektion PIN | Marburg
Schöner Wohnen Kollektion (New Delight) | Marburg
Schöner Wohnen Kollektion (New Spirit) | Marburg
Schöner Wohnen Kollektion (New Spirit) PIN | Marburg
Shades | Marburg
Shining Leaves | Marburg
Smart Art Aspiration | Marburg
Smart Art Easy | Marburg
Smart Art Gallery | Marburg
Spirit of Jungle | Marburg
Stockholm | Marburg
Tressin | Marburg
Trendjournal | Marburg
Trendjournal PIN | Marburg
Tribeca PIN | Marburg
Urban Glam | Marburg
Urban Spaces | Marburg
Villa Romana | Marburg
Vintage Deluxe | Marburg
White & Metallic | Marburg
Wohndesign 2023 PIN | Marburg
Zellige | Marburg

- Masureel
Greenwall I | Masureel
Running with Light | Art Factory | Masureel
Servranckx | Art Factory | Masureel
Feria | Guy Masureel | Masureel
Intact | Guy Masureel | Masureel
Ode | Guy Masureel | Masureel
Agathe | Khrôma | Masureel
Cabinet of Curiosities | Khrôma | Masureel
Colorythm | Khrôma | Masureel
Earth | Khrôma | Masureel
Folies | Khrôma | Masureel
Glasshouse | Khrôma | Masureel
Havana | Khrôma | Masureel
Helium | Khrôma | Masureel
Kent | Khrôma | Masureel
Khromatic | Khrôma | Masureel
Kimono | Khrôma | Masureel
Orbital | Khrôma | Masureel
Prisma | Khrôma | Masureel
Roots | Khrôma | Masureel
Spirit of Nature | Khrôma | Masureel
Summer | Khrôma | Masureel
The Classics | Khrôma | Masureel
Tribute | Khrôma | Masureel
Wall Designs I | Khrôma | Masureel
Walldesigns II | Khrôma | Masureel
Walldesigns III | Khrôma | Masureel
Washi | Khrôma | Masureel
Wild | Khrôma | Masureel
1001 Nights | Zoom | Masureel
Bahia | Zoom | Masureel
Be happy | Zoom | Masureel
Goja | Zoom | Masureel
Kosmos | Zoom | Masureel
La vie en rose | Zoom | Masureel
Lotus | Zoom | Masureel
Olivia | Zoom | Masureel
Ombra | Zoom | Masureel
Onyx | Zoom | Masureel
Othello | Zoom | Masureel
Papyrus | Zoom | Masureel
Tula | Zoom | Masureel

- Omexco
Antares | Omexco
Archipelago | Omexco
Aruba | Omexco
Atelier | Omexco
Bijou | Omexco
Birds of Paradise | Omexco
Borneo | Omexco
Casca | Omexco
Cobra | Omexco
Collages | Omexco
Elegance | Omexco
Elixir | Omexco
Gala | Omexco
Graphite | Omexco
High Performance Patina | Omexco
High Performance Textures | Omexco
Horizons | Omexco
Illusions | Omexco
Imperialis | Omexco
Infinity | Omexco
Intuition | Omexco
Joy | Omexco
Jungle | Omexco
Kaleidoscope | Omexco
Kami-Ito | Omexco
Khatam | Omexco
Loft | Omexco
Loom Stories | Omexco
Minerals | Omexco
Moonstone | Omexco
Nomad | Omexco
Ode | Omexco
Palazzo | Omexco
Portfolio | Omexco
Rivage | Omexco
Seraya | Omexco
Shades of Pale | Omexco
Silence | Omexco
Sumatra | Omexco
Sycamore | Omexco
Tribu | Omexco
Vogue | Omexco

- Rasch
African Queen III | Rasch
Amara | Rasch
Ambiente Vol. 03 (Wilts) | Rasch
Bambino XIX | Rasch
Barbara Home Collection III | Rasch
Color your life | Rasch
Composition | Rasch
Concrete | Rasch
Country Charme | Rasch
Curiosity | Rasch
Das Beste (2025) | Rasch
Deco Style | Rasch
Factory V | Rasch
Florentine III | Rasch
Indian Style | Rasch
Kids World | Rasch
Lirico| Rasch
Magic Walls 2024 | Rasch
Magic Walls (Booklet) 2025 | Rasch
Paraiso | Rasch
Perfecto VI | Rasch
Rhapsody | Rasch
Sky Lounge | Rasch
Sophia | Rasch
Stories Onszelf | Rasch
Symphony | Rasch
Tapetenwechsel II | Rasch
Trianon XIII | Rasch
Tropical House | Rasch
Wall Textures V | Rasch
Wall Textures VI | Rasch
Wallton 2025 | Rasch
Welcome Home | Rasch

- Rasch Textil
Abaca | Rasch Textil
Affair 3 | Rasch Textil
Akasa E&H | Rasch Textil
Alva | Rasch Textil
Amiata | Rasch Textil
Animalis WWW.T | Rasch Textil
Architecture | Rasch Textil
Aurelia | Rasch Textil
Babylandia WWW| Rasch Textil
Bellagio WWW | Rasch Textil
Bimbaloo 2 WWW. T&B | Rasch Textil
Blooming Garden 10 WWW | Rasch Textil
Bloomsburry | Rasch Textil
Blush WWW | Rasch Textil
Boho Chic WWW. | Rasch Textil
Cador | Rasch Textil
Casa Merida | Emil & Hugo | Rasch Textil
Charleston WWW | Rasch Textil
City Chic WWW | Rasch Textil
Concrete Ciré WWW | Rasch Textil
Contempo E&H | Rasch Textil
Crazy Jungle WWW | Rasch Textil
Dalarna WWW | Rasch Textil
Dalia WWW | Rasch Textil
Ekbacka WWW | Rasch Textil
Fagelsang | Rasch Textil
Greenhouse WWW | Rasch Textil
Grönhaga WWW | Rasch Textil
Happy WWW | Rasch Textil
Hidden Treasures | Rasch Textil
Jungle Fever WWW | Rasch Textil
Kalina WWW| Rasch Textil
Kalk WWW | Rasch Textil
Kalk II WWW | Rasch Textil
Kingsly WWW. | Rasch Textil
Lelia WWW | Rasch Textil
Letizia | Rasch Textil
Let’s Play! WWW | Rasch Textil
Linen House | Rasch Textil
Little Bandits WWW | Rasch Textil
Lullaby WWW | Rasch Textil
Luxe Revival WWW.T. | Rasch Textil
Malibu WWW | Rasch Textil
Materika WWW.T. | Rasch Textil
Moana | Emil & Hugo | Rasch Textil
Mondaine | Rasch Textil
Mondobaby WWW | Rasch Textil
Naturalis | Rasch Textil
Ohlala | Rasch Textil
Oxford | Rasch Textil
Palmera | Rasch Textil
Paradise WWW.T | Rasch Textil
Petite Fleur 5 | Rasch Textil
Pippo WWW. | Rasch Textil
Plains | Rasch Textil
Precious WWW. | Rasch Textil
Regatta Crew – Surf Edition WWW. | Rasch Textil
Sakura | Rasch Textil
Samoa | Emil & Hugo | Rasch Textil
Scandi Cool WWW. | Rasch Textil
Sensai | Emil & Hugo | Rasch Textil
Solene | Rasch Textil
Splendor | Rasch Textil
Stile italiano | Rasch Textil
Stripes WWW. | Rasch Textil
Textum | Rasch Textil
Valentina Inland | Rasch Textil
Vanilla Lime WWW. | Rasch Textil
Vista 6 (mit LCB) | Rasch Textil
Vista 6 (ohne LCB) | Rasch Textil
Woodland | Rasch Textil
XL2 photowalls | Rasch Textil
XL2 photowalls for kids | Rasch Textil
Zanzibar | Emil & Hugo | Rasch Textil